GRWUs to renovate our house!

As some of you may already know, earlier this week I got my visa approved to move to the UK! Yes, after 3 1/2 years of being in a long-distance relationship Alli and I are *finally* able to move in together next month. Therefore, I figured there was no better time to start posting on this blog since I’ll now actually be able to legally live in this damn house! Though my timing isn’t great since it’s looking like we’ll move out pretty soon after I move to London so that the contractors (whoever they may be!) can start the building work… Regardless, the prospect of moving and getting started on the renovation is very exciting since it feels like we’ve been talking about it all for ages now.

Firstly, I should start off by clarifying: this is not a DIY home renovation.

Things you will not be getting from us include but are not limited to:

  • Tips on how to do any kind of manual labor involved in renovating a house from people who have no experience and/or professional insights.

  • Tricks for any manual labor involved in renovating a house from people who have no experience and/or professional insights.

What we will be able to provide you with:

  • Advice on how we found and selected the professionals we chose to work with (architect, interior designer, contractors, vendors…)

  • Inspo, lots of inspo.

  • And insights. (Well hopefully insights!)

Alli and I both recognize we are very fortunate to be able to approach this home renovation with help from professionals with experience and know-how we simply do not possess. But, just because we can afford to hire people for this project does not mean it was a given that we would (I mean we had a good month on the verge of a breakdown asking ourselves if we needed an interior designer since we obviously know we have great taste). So we’ll tell you all about why we made the decisions we’ve made so far and give you insights into what will likely shape our future decisions as well— the trials and tribulations of compromise (or lack thereof), aligning our visions, managing various schedules and timelines, balancing the budget… the good, the bad and the ugly.

As you can see, we may not be able to teach you how to map out the plumbing and electric, or lay tiles, or even paint using lime wash, but we’ll hopefully bring you a little transparency into what this whole thing looks like when you’re collaborating with different professionals to ensure you get the most bang for your buck (and the home of your dreams, of course). We want this to be a fun learning experience for us and whoever wants to follow along and to make sure we approach it with positivity and as much humor as we can muster because who needs more stress in this economy???

Plus, since Alli and I have never lived together before we want to have something to remember the process of building our first home together and if we can entertain a crowd whilst we do it, why not try!


PS- After writing this I realized I might be promising quite a lot and I’m not going to lie, I might get lazy. So definitely check out our instagram and tiktok because I’m hoping I’m semi-decent at posting on those. Also, please don’t hesitate to ask questions to nudge us to share things if you’re interested. You might think of things we don’t after all!